Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Where Have YOU Been?

Hello faithful HSO-ians!  Are you guys ready for a long-time-coming GIVEAWAY???

Well we have a special treat just for the mothers!  You guessed it....a MOTHERS DAY GIVEAWAY!!!!

The Scoop:  Post your favorite thing, or your favorite memory about your Mom, or (for the guys) the Mother of your children ON THE HSO FB PAGE to win a FREE Goodie Basket full of HSO Stuff (possibly Brighton or Harveys, Reefs or Toms PLUS a Fragrance or Lotion!) to give to your loved on for Mother's Day!

HURRY...all entries have to be up by the 11th so that we can pick a winner and get your Goodies to you on Saturday the 12th....JUST IN TIME for Mother's Day :)


The HSO Team :)